Who should be media trained?

Anyone who might be called upon to speak with the media on behalf of your company o r organization should be media trained. Look beyond training the PR team and the CEO and consider training any subject matter experts who can provide a greater level of detail for reporters. If you are launching a big campaign and are investing in media relations, be sure to invest in media training for a variety of spokespeople so that when the interview requests come in, you have a roster or trained spokespeople ready to take on the interviews.

Media training is also beneficial to anyone who is looking to build their confidence when speaking publicly about themselves or their company. Perhaps you have an upcoming speaking opportunity or will be networking at a conference and want to brush up on your elevator pitch about the company. Everyone can benefit from learning to communicate with confidence.

Why do I need media training?

Ask yourself, why don't you need media training. Why risk your reputation or that o f your company or organization? If you want to raise your profile as an expert in your field, you need to position yourself as an expert and master the art of a great interview. What you say and how you say it can impact your reputation.

For organizations launching an awareness campaign, media training your spokespeople is an opportunity to ensure they deliver your key messages and cast a light on the issue to compel people to take action.

How do I chose the right media trainer?

Do your research and find someone who has experience working as a journalist. They have been on the other side asking the tough questions and can provide you with insight on the process, what the reporter is looking for and how to leave a lasting impression so this interview won't be your last.

What workshop is right for me?

This is dependent on your experience and your needs. If you have already been media trained and need help preparing for an upcoming media interview, a private one-on-one coaching session might be the best option. If you're looking to train a larger group of people and then select some individuals for mock interviews, a more comprehensive workshop might be better. Book a free 15 minute consultation to discuss your needs and we will help you determine the best workshop to suit your needs.